
@M.C.-Action: Seeing as they are placing the order directly with Sony, they'll probably be O.E.M . and not packed with anything extra.

@deanbmmv: Long story short, Yeah, but I'm not really talking about the budget, so much as overall quality and the likely-hood that the company would ever work on a game that people would want to play.

@deanbmmv: I think he meant a real game company .

@Man in the mirror: It's alright to not be well versed in English, but whats not alright is blaming or being aggressive toward other people for not being able to comprehend your bad English.

That $40 price tag seals the deal.

@Man in the mirror: I think his "wut?" was aimed at your spelling and grammar.

Where's my Disgaea 2 DLC dammit.

@spiderweb1986: I haven't tried polarized 3d yet so I cant really talk, but if it's more of the same then I guess I'd pass to.

I would if it was properly supported and the price was reasonable .

@drag: The duct tape and fleshlight are sold separately.

@MrMister: Oh crap. I hope they don't revoke my membership; I just pre-paid for a 1 year 4chan gold account.

Before you bother asking; let me just say, yes, yes it will.

Are we really nominating people for posting pictures of 4chan memes now. Don't get me wrong; it's hilarious and all, but do we really want to encourage people to turn the comment section to turn into /b/.

@thecrisisfromthesky: It's funny how people blame the manufacturers and developers for the insanely large taxes some countries place on things like this.

@Haf: I was being generous(on both numbers).

The character model could pass for 15, while the real model could pass for 25.

@Showmeyomoves!: How so? Did it become non-pc to talk about okatu and their lolicon pron loving reputation. #crime

@phnord: It's not like they're going to be buying very many of them and the loses per unit are dramatically less than they used to be, so it's really no big deal financially for Sony. #crime

Oh dear. The Otaku's two favorite hobbies have been turned against one another. #crime