@GreatMario: I feel the need to point out that their FF games only started taking 4 years to make after square merged with Enix in 03. #finalfantasyxiii
@GreatMario: I feel the need to point out that their FF games only started taking 4 years to make after square merged with Enix in 03. #finalfantasyxiii
@Hraesvelgr: Correct you are sir. Originally when Akisazame said "neither", I said to myself I could have sworn the TLR was deved by SE, but then I said to myself "no way Square would never develope such work of feculent filth".
@Akisazame: yes, I do believe he does. What have they done this gen though?
@char_aznable: And 7.
@Archaotic: Did you and I read the same article? That 20 million is his money from selling his stock in the company because he knows it's at what will likely be it's highest value for a long time; not profits from game sales. #modernwarfare2
@Archaotic: It's world where game developers that make undesirable games don't make money, and people who know how to sell high do.
@mattycakes: Actually when she was little, she used to dream of being successful in pop music like Madonna or The Beatles or Michael Jackson, so yeah, she is being true to herself. #culture
@ThisCharmingMan: It is odd to see a pop star that can actually compose music and play piano like a pro.
@Adam Bowen: Maybe something like this. #chocobo
@Erwin: They are obviously Giant Chasidic Rabbi Chocobos.
@qxr70: They didn't yank the fun out; they just conveniently forgot to put it all on the disc, but don't worry, you can* buy it all back one piece at a time.
@Opuelas: Then those people will have to deal with a severely under-budgeted sequel to their favorite game... wait.. whats this? A relatively completely unprotected piece of software(Halflife) banked enough money to turn a small and unknown dev group(Valve) into the largest single distributor of software for an open…
As you may have read online, we've been actively banning consoles from Xbox LIVE that may have been modified to play burned discs.
@Nintendohater: Nobody is disputing that the DSi deserves it's own separate section form the original DS. They're just saying that the DSi LL doesn't since it's just a DSi with a different color and a bigger screen. #thejapanesehardwarechart
You could almost buy the 120GB HDD with that card and have a mostly complete console. #xbox360
@Jaems: It flows downhill from the editors here at kotaku. None of them seem to really acknowledge or embrace how deeply intertwined pirating, hacking, and, modding are within the most dedicated of the gamer crowd.