
@laursen.lau: As do I . Whats even weirder is that I have that same external HDD with the clear housing that's sitting on top of it as well. #alexisraven

@Sakilla: If that were his opinion on the matter; he should just come out and say it like that.

@Kobun: I was literally just thinking that same thing as I looked at the picture and continued scrolling down the comments, except I was thinking of fabricating the body from scratch. #mutlitap

@You Are My Friend!: So you're saying donating money to charities makes banning consoles that can play burned discs from playing online a positive thing and that people playing burned copies of game discs make it harder for you to enjoy the Xbox live service.

The only two factors that are of any relevance here are intoxication and schizophrenia.

@Steven Hott: Only if he uses the pseudonym of Naoto Ikeda .

@Eulatos: Or the the re-release of Disgaea 2 for the PSP is pure awesomeness.

@Sigh1515: Try going for the Big Boss Emblem next time though.

@andrewwyatt: The one with glasses kinda looks like Hideo Kojima in drag.

@Aprotosis: Why do you expect him to show you his work. Are you not smart enough to calculate percentages yourself or are you just lazy and/or don't know how to use the internet? #consoletaisen

@Amarrex: Actually, for about the past five weeks the 360 has been getting out sold by the PS3, the Wii, the DS, and the PSP.

@Archaotic: There's a reason that bear is floating there in the later half of the trailer. #clips

@billzbub: The effects were well done and impressive, but aside from that, this movie left me really disappointed for a number of different reasons.

So................ that's a no. OK Thanx.