@BubbleF**kingBuddy: It's funny cause it's true.... except for that last bit there. I think that's just you.
@BubbleF**kingBuddy: It's funny cause it's true.... except for that last bit there. I think that's just you.
@D-K, it's not butter? no way!: " what is your definition of special"
@Covert_Knight: Personally I prefer to believe it was someone more like my neighbor; a balding, homosexual, 40-something year old, Jewish guy, with a voice like the alien from American Dad, who's afraid of everything.
@Matt0505: I do agree that this "game" is epically idiotic, but as far as multiples of Curt Cobain on stage at the same time; that is actually a clever homage to the the video for the song he was performing.
@ChadWardenn: No,
@Slagathorian: Exactly. So far this gen they've developed ONE PS3 game, Crystal Defenders, which was just a cheap port of a cell phone game that they threw up on PSN to grab some more easy cash six months after they put it up on XBL.
@duttyfoot: I know, right? It's just like when they used to only make those ginormous computers that took up your whole room and now it turns out that they could have been making ones small enough to fit inside your cell phone this whole time.
@xxXX_Insanities_Birth_XXxx: Normally I try to ignore typos, but you've made the same one six times in this thread thus far, so I feel obligated to point out that there ≠ their.
@Hector Moreno: Dino-Riders
@thesircuddles: Well that settles it. Kotaku officially hates puppies.
@thesircuddles: Well see;
@Phroby: But, but but, Bambie's mum is dead!
@Pornosaur: Oh, come on. You know it would be pure awesome to be able to pit 360 players directly against PS3 players.
I like that square are holding their ground on the must be cross platform thing. I think more games should have cross platform online play.
@TalesXGundam: Well then sir, you hate one of the defining points of man.
@Paladin58: I think they gave you mine. ;)
@mangs: Mostly on full game downloads. I've got about 80 PSN games; compared to about 30 BRD based games.
But that's 1/3 of the fun of LBP?
@zach a mac rack alack: I added it up a while back and it turns out I've spent about $1,350 on PSN stuff since launch.