
@Archaotic: I was just about to say that.

@elliott: You can read about the Pixeljunk series here.

Now playing

@jallen: Hey, it's better than the achievement for getting 1,000,000 points in guitar hero.

I like that they're bringing more classic games to PSN, but the price point seems a bit off.

I hate that fucking cat!!!! It's like STFU pussy..

@KillerBee: Since when has tampering with system designed to help consumers make an informed decision on a nonrefundable purchase "been the norm"?

That picture is all like (MJ)"surprise,,, buttsecks!!" (Paul)"ohhaa.."

Not to troll, but honestly; who even likes Astro Boy?

@Vishus: Scratch that. Misunderstood what you meant. Reading comprehension FTW.

Parts of it sound a lot like the intro music from Chrono Cross. Just without vocals.

You're turning into a Sim. Replenish your energy!

@TheWon: LOL. You just copied and pasted your typos from your response to BritBloke916. Double fail.