
Fivethirtyeight understands it. Bernie’s doing well where everyone is white, but Democratic voters don’t actually look like Bernie’s coalition, they look like Hillary’s. Not to mention that she’s winning the swing states.

Dear college student, you should really do the reading. I know it seems like a drag, but this is the last time in your life when your main job will be to learn interesting shit with a ton of resources to help you do that, with little pressure as to how/how well you understand it. I would kill to be assigned reading rn.

The only thing dumber than some of us is all of us, together.

And let’s not forget those fun labor policies. Billions and billions are made on the labor of primarily low-income and minority youth, even their very likenesses, but if these kids get so much as a free hamburger somewhere they might lose their scholarship. And just what kind of education are top-tier team members

5. If you are in a suit/business attire and you are on your way to a meeting and you don’t want to show up panting and sweaty.

It blows my mind that anyone could get so fired up over a fucking video game. How shallow does your life have to be that anything related to games is important enough to attack and threaten someone over?

That’s why you always toast them over the coals and not the flames. Better temperature control.

The point in my life where I feel so old I have absolutely no idea who this is someone change my bedpan please.

That crinkling sound was him opening the crackers, which he then PUT DOWN ON THE FLOOR.

I read Rubio’s answer as “The submarines are the most critical of the three, but the other two are aging badly as well” from the way he phrased it, but maybe that’s just me.

one shitton is 1000 assloads, don’t you even know units

Hmm. This is difficult. We’re gonna need a questionnaire for this one.

The surest indicator that Christians are not, in fact, a persecuted group in America? That they’re able to spend their days complaining about shit like this instead of running for their lives.

That’s the thing that annoys me about people like Anonymous taking up Guy Fawkes as a symbol. It’s because they only know about him through V for Vendetta and have no idea that he wanted to make England even more oppressive than it already was (not to mention commit mass murder).

Even so, he again makes a big show of sniffing the cork ...

My friend did some work experience at Belfast Airport. She didn’t WANT to work at the airport, but her previously set up job had fallen through and she needed to do something for two weeks. So... Anyhow, during her last week there she comes across a large, older man yelling at the desk clerk because he missed his

Why is either that necessary? When we were young, Brother and I were given time outs. We were never hit, and we were rarely subjected to a raised voice. We were taught that we should obey our parents out of respect, not fear. We only feared disappointing them and embarrassing ourselves in their eyes and everyone