Mike_Smith Takes it in The Ass All Day Long

Trump improved the economy just by winning a debate. Holy fuck.

Reading a prepared speech is very different from a live debate.

However, most (all) of the supposed covid “misinformation” has been proven to be true.

This period of Star Wars comics made me completely drop every Star Wars comic book I was subscribed to. None of the stories were really compelling, none of them really had anything to say and I don’t care about constant violence

Now playing

It could be worse than you might think...

Utterly pointless character that served absolutely no purpose.

Pfft. You personally know people from the 1%. I think you mean the 0.01%, and that because the average person wildly underestimates just how rich the rich really are, which is just the way the rich like it, or there would be torches and pitchforks at their (awfully fancy and secure) gates.

With a goose fleecer... duh

There are almost as many emotions as there are genders now.

This is so fucking stupid. Disney doesn’t give a shit about your white upper middle class beliefs. They buried the hatchet with DeSantis. Disney just likes your money. The question is, are you spending enough? 

It's supposed to be a one-to-one adaptation, though some of the dialogue in this trailer is different from the book.

More Boeing bashing headlines spirit makes a lot of things for Airbus too.

yeah I could imagine an article that read

It seems that io9 will never stop pushing this narrative that “people now love the prequels.” No they do not. They love what has been built off the prequels, but the prequels are straight garbage and that has never changed.

apparently the article has been updated...with zero admission of said update.

It’ll be hilarious 5-10 years from now when the nostalgia brainworms convince folks that the Disney sequels are good.

This would be fine if the writers had any real skill and could show and not tell. But they can’t, their clumsy messaging is too on the nose and all your shilling won’t change that.

Wanna see a dipshit post?’

thats a great way to put it.  Good choice of first comment as well.  Irresistible.