
For someone worried about waste-of-time articles, you sure waste a lot of time telling us our articles are a waste of time.

Shoulda used real turtles.

The headphones that are being worn all around our office. Lifehacker said:

The headphones that are being worn all around our office. Lifehacker said:

So having more competition means that businesses have to work to earn your business. What a novel idea.

I think you wrote this article just so you could say, "I'm a PMP." Well played, Alan, well played.

"Hmm.. the special of the day is a B.L.T., you say? That sounds pretty good. Reminds me, my father always used to make a B.L.T. sandwich for lunch. I can still picture him standing over the sink in the kitchen eating one. If my father is somehow the one in the kitchen cooking these sandwiches YOU TELL THAT SON OF

I wouldn't mind a burger with blue cheese on it, but I have no idea how much to put on there. PLEASE, DO IT FOR ME, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST PUT ON THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF BLUE CHEESE THAT I LIKE ON MY BURGER OH GOD I DON'T KNOW HOW TO LIVE IN THIS WORLD!!

The "right" category.

Which category am I in if I simply think video games are more fun than work?

Love these kind of articles. Cant wait to see them test this engine in space. "Take that haters."Roger Sawyer

Thanks, reading this makes for a whole new ache in my heart this show was cancelled.

Great, my GPU is already more powerful than my CPU, now my mouse too?

Great, my GPU is already more powerful than my CPU, now my mouse too?

Most of them are using Google Plus, so that there likelihood of being discovered is near zero.

I like this way, because it's rude.

taskkill /F /IM chrome.exe /T


The "top list" linked in the article is a mish-mash of porn and govt. sites. You can't write this stuff.

Yeah, like a billion of 'em. In fact, there are almost as many people using Facebook as there are people making literally, word-for-word, this exact same joke every time someone writes an article about Facebook.

Comcast's PR dept is so fast! They've already released a response to your post here: