
I also use the new tab page. If I want to open the previous session back up, there's an option for that!

Yep. If this appeared on the market it would be mine almost immediately.

How do I report a spam message?

I looks like the first link in the Command Line section is broken. It's sending me right back to this page. Not sure where it should go, as I don't remember the article. :)

I wonder what you've been looking up...

Same here... I'm not sure if this is good or bad, though

I've got a FireFighter Toothpick. Would that be allowed?

'Unrelated' is an understatement. But, I use ES File Explorer. It allows zipping and un-zipping files.

It's for that exact reason I refuse to buy an Apple product. Having very little experience with iOS or whatever OS Macs have, I don't know if I would like them. But just watching Apple sue the s**t out of anyone who opposes them does not make me want to support the company.


Beautiful idea. I'd be in my glory with that button.

Thank you for that last paragraph. I was getting really tired of people bitching and screaming at each other about which OS was better.


Thank you for this! Something really needs to e done about those.

As in buy a pre-assembled and add things like a graphics card, or just look at pre-assembled to get an idea of what to use? I used a couple of Lifehacker's part lists that they came out with as a base, and did a lot of reading on their

I would recommend using You are able to design a list of parts for your computer, and the site gives you the prices for those parts from many different only retailers. It certainly helped me. Feel free to look at my post - - to see how the

Great! I'm just a newbie myself, but I would be glad to help!

Thanks! And I'm sure this will be a great experience!

Alright, thanks. Just glad I wasn't missing something :)

Okay, thanks again for all your advice! After working through a few of the ideas given below, this is what I came up with: