
The reason you don’t see the Alt-Left is because it has become frighteningly mainstream. Example: We’re here having to debate whether or not a series dedicated and named after belittling and deriding people for the color of their skin is racist. Because the Alt-Left has gained such a padlock hold on culture that for

That’s an incomplete statement. The generally accepted political spectrum is two-dimensional; so your statement that “anarchists have a lot more in common with libertarians than they do democratic socialists” is like saying “Planes have more in common with birds than they do cars.” What’s your criteria? Because while

The idea is not that being against actual fascism is bad, but instead that painting anyone to the right of Stalin as a “fascist” and then attacking them for it is bad.

We have moved so far to the left that the center now looks like a Swastika to some.

Slavery is an institution that has existed worldwide for thousands of years. Slavery is not limited to white people in America, and in terms of numbers and brutality, they weren’t even the most egregious offenders. Go have a look at the Arab slave trade which brutally murdered tens of millions of African slaves and