
Any why Sony continues to refuse to put a hand grip on this camera? That is always the ONLY complaint I see about its design.

I disagree with Gary Oldman being on this list.

Almost 200 Spots.

I’m finishing a PhD ... and as of this semester, the freshman are literally half my age. Sigh.

It definitely had it’s issues, but damn if Star Trek: Enterprise didn’t start to get pretty good at the end.
I loved the way they tried to explain things like: The Klingon Ridges, Kahn and the Augments, and the beginning of the federation.

Season 2 was a thing of beauty.

Press play and smile.

I would be a lot happier about this statement if it had been reversed. As in we got Batman:TAS after Tim Burton's cheesefest (which, let's be honest. Was in many ways a homage to the 60's series anyway).

Exterior: I can get behind that. Interior: WHAT THE FUCK.

How difficult is it to debunk a picture with a shadow-less flag?

Those fender are just SNOT versions of the fan shrouds here.

This is a DC comics joke obviously, but still apt in this case

Im German, grlfriend is Italian. Works out well. ;)

If you’re a little patient and give some time to feel out the bags, it’s not that hard to suss out what’s inside. Usually you can figure out a minifig based on the item they have as those lately haven’t had many repeats in the series (like one having a newspaper and another a pizza box, both using 2x2 flats), though