No matter how many copies are sold a bunch of people will be laid off the second the game is ready to ship.
No matter how many copies are sold a bunch of people will be laid off the second the game is ready to ship.
“Supporting the devs” is practically a dogwhistle that says “I don’t care about marginalized people, I just want to convince myself it’s okay to support their oppressors.”
Ummm, no I’m not going to lose any sleep over whether a developer corporation is gaining or losing money. And yes I will tend to be more concerned about marginalized people or groups.
America continues to influence the world through soft power
I mean, it takes a special kind of mean to sit there when you’re about to win the game to just fuck with other players
Somewhere, in a dark room illuminated only by the soft glow of its television, a faint smile emerged from a monster’s horrible face as it watched this one fall silently into the abyss.
“But muh games!”
Go fuck yourself, then go disappear permanently
Go fuck yourself.
Oh that is the most hilarious aspect of all of this: The Gamergaters are just now figuring out what the “SJW”s and “Liberal scum” have known since forever: that 45 is a soulless creature who will attempt to ruin everything he comes across.
I’m wearing the non-evangelion version of those shoes right now in black. They are comfy as hell as my daily drivers.