Breaks my damn heart
Breaks my damn heart
Agreed. It’s one of my early indicators I’m pregnant!
She smoked with her first kid and her doctor said it would be more stressful to quit for the baby. Her kid has a permanent red face and always running nose. She’s tiny and was delivered early (which she is proud of). It freaking kills me to sit with her some mornings after we drop our kids off and hop on the train…
I have a mom in my daycare who smokes cigarettes while pregnant and I pretty much labeled her as a monster in my head.
My thoughts exaaaactly!!!
This little twirp knew she could destroy the campaign which bothers me more.
All them sexy cheek bones!!!
I also have a house full of plants. We never had real ones growing up and when I lived in my apartment I treated them like my babies. I now have at least 10 and love each one.
They are back!!! Walmart sells them.
Hahahaha sponge worthy!!!
In the past month Bank of America has change both my debit card and credit card due to hacking. At least they are being diligent about it.
But what about the sponge? Lol!
I intially read this thinking “Who still uses a diaphram!”