
I think a lot of the information is conflicting though... the consensus is “don’t hit your kid”.

Yeah see! They probably took it down - I am in Illinois and they give us nothing for discipline. We get the same thing like this at the checkups.


Thanks I still feel sick to my stomach just thinking about it!! I don’t want my kids to fear me the way I feared my dad.

I work that schedule now (7:00 am - 6 pm with commuting) but every damn day. Its exhausting.

My parents not telling me they loved me hurt more than any ass whoopin’ I ever got - so I can relate.

No but this is definitely helpful. Its nice even to just have a page to reference. Its not like I am going to the pediatrician with a notepad ready to take notes... and I am sure if I asked for recap of my visit the nurses would look at me like a lunatic.

I totally agree with this!! We went away for the weekend (1st time in over a year), and my kids stayed with my cousin (and her 3 kids) and I couldn’t sleep worried my 3 year old was going to be a D-I-C-K the whole time (she wasn’t but still).

She could of even said “It was sarcasm... I totally know I am not the first”.

Another thing is... like so many other brands are making shoes that look like Yeezy’s.

What state are you in? We get things about diet, and milestones at pediatricians offices, but never anything on discipline. 

I wish - mine doesn’t. I get some paperwork on when my babies moved to “solids” and how to ween and things like that - but nothing on discipline.

Also I didn’t think you could OD on them as well... but I think if you are slapping 3 on at once it can.

My mom (MS) and dad (he had cancer) both have done that... I had to start fully monitoring everything my mom was doing for my dad because she couldn’t handle giving him his medicine properly.

We need to start arming parents with the tools to raise children. Doesn’t matter if you are a young parent or an old parent - lots of people just don’t have a fucking clue on what to do when your kid is acting up.

Also I am glad you are like the only one who is willing to actually discuss this without being like “WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE”.

Yeah because they didn’t bring up the almost hand job he got from like 2 girls in the hookah bar, and the other chick he snuck into the hotel. 

For awhile, I was nervous any drug addicts in my neighborhood would find out my mom had MS and was on the patch because they steal patches and scrape the drug off and smoke it!

My mom was on a fentanyl patch for 15 years. When she came off it, she had a stroke from the dependency and withdrawal.

To be honest, when I was a younger socialite party person... I had zero worries about my coke being cut with like heroin or fentanyl. Baby laxatives, sure. This was from 2004-2014.