This is a popular look in Chicago - my husband has attempted the stache, but I prefer the beard.
This is a popular look in Chicago - my husband has attempted the stache, but I prefer the beard.
Well for one... my mom only styled the POOF and not the rest of her hair.
Hahaha!! She only lets her bangs relax at home then.
The key was a very small curling iron!!! Thin little whisps until it all fell back and pull at it with a pick.
We need an investigation! I refuse to Google and be wrong - but he has been dead!
SAME! I feel really confused!
John Mayer: A soft 500...
I swear he died!!!
I have a mom friend who’s kid went into the corn pit at the pumpkin patch and had a cut on her knee - she got a bacterial infection from it! It spread all over her body, painful sores!
As another tall woman (5*10) I can sympathize. My husband now is 6*5, but I dated lots of shorties before him and always felt like bull in a china shop.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Does this come in gluten free?
To be honest, I think Diet Pepsi is what caused it. She drank Diet almost all her life until maybe the past 6 years.
Totally - plus I mean everyone has different tastes... THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO LIKE NYC STYLE PIZZA...
Wait wrong one -
My husband loves Totinos... which tastes like a microwaved pizza put in the oven.
Agreed!!! I was like oooo this pizza is going to be good and was REALLY bummed.