I’ve been drunk drunk - but just cannot imagine being so drunk you slip into the water and die. I am so sad for her.
I’ve been drunk drunk - but just cannot imagine being so drunk you slip into the water and die. I am so sad for her.
I was reading more and read some horrible things.
This really gave me chills. I am also a parent and hug the shit out of my kids all the time. I fully support you doing this, and it breaks my heart to think of those kids being rejected by their parents.
Tinder baby.
By manic, I mean I was 22 and broke up with my first long term boyfriend who lied to me and said this girl at work was a lesbian - but he was seeing her behind my back. I don’t think any 22 year old reacts normally to a breakup, especially after dating for 3 years.
Its a 15 and 30 year thing. This is just a recent example of their inconsiderate nature towards me, but expect me to drop everything for them or else “YOUR CRAZY!”.
Love this!!!!!!!!!!
That and a dash of Axe Body Spray thats on fire.
Betty I am sooo happily jealous of this. Sending you ALL the warm hugs from a very rainy Chicago day!!!
I hope not. I am hoping he will dance himself into a jail cell.
You mean ballet isn’t full of butterflies and whimsical music?? Sorry I am so naive and childish - for real I always thought they treated dancers like gold and that the stuff in the movies was just cliche. :(
I guess now I need a fucking hug even more.
I was watching a very old Watch What Happens Live and he was on it... some woman who admitted she was disabled and never left her house was like “I NEED THIS SHOW TO BE ON THE AIR FOR AT LEAST 10 MORE YEARS”. She thanked Todd for making her laugh.
I couldn’t be a therapist for this exact reason.
The guy in the pic ACTUALLY reminded me of Todd. I was on the hunt for some bat shit crazy gif of him - but unfortunately the internet doesn’t care about us like we thought.
and thank you! <3
They are. I would hug my own cat but he would tolerate 1 second, paw me, and then come back 15 minutes later and expect me to pet him.