
Is that all I gotta do around here! ;) 

So many different “donuts” and sooo much time to try them all.

DON’T SETTLE but definitely TRY different things! 

Ugh, you are right!!! I am trying to play hostess with the mostest, but I am really the type who’s like THERE’S BEER IN THE FRIDGE BYYYYYYYYYE.

IT REALLY IS. I love alllll the feels it brings. 

MRSBUG I love this... I bet you look much younger than me! LOL. 

Hahahaha I am dying over blonde goth. Between her hair and Dorinda’s mob wife look, I am exhausted to the max every Thursday morning from NO SLEEP.

What about Alexa... Sorry I am slow technology wise. I am going to assume yes, because of the Firestick?

My dear Dali... I have bumped uglies with over a 100 men and 3 lucky women (from which I can remember its probably higher). I never expected a relationship. YOU WILL FIND SOMEONE.

Isn’t there some super cheap airline to Iceland too? Lately we have been looking into flights to Latvia (my husband is from there) and all our connecting flights go to REYKJAVIK - and its stupid cheap!  

We are definitely going as soon as our youngest can walk (she is 3.5 months right now)!!

... and when I have PTO at work :(

I am very excited to pour wine and schmooze my afternoon away!

1 pm CST!

I’m afraid to click on it at work... but I don’t think TB could ever look awkward pulling his pants down.

I don’t brag much, but when I do its about my fairly happy marriage.

LOL! I am 4 years older than my husband, but have typically dated men MUCH MUCH older than me (45+) and yes it was because they had money or could feed me.

OMG I LOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEE THIS!!! This is the lovey dovey Happy Friday we deserved.

Great - I will give it a test run tomorrow morning while I am attempting to cook my life away. 

Now I just have to figure out how to connect to my blue tooth speakers LOL!