I actually would love this if the blazer was a dress or maybe a like a romper type thing??
I actually would love this if the blazer was a dress or maybe a like a romper type thing??
I can’t wrap my mind around how fucking filthy they both are. Like its sooo fucking disgusting I want to punch a hole in the wall or their face.
“You will give men the wrong idea about you.”
Its harder to react that way!
In all honestly, I was VERY wasteful. I would like pull a paper towel if my mouth was a little wet, or my hand. I was probably going through a roll every 2 days... it was excessive. Swapping to hand towels, rags and cloth napkins realllllly stopped me from my OCD of having to constantly dry off.
Ahhh the outfit thing is fucked.
Well there’s nothing like huddling around a cold, dead body to bring people together! Hahaha!!!
What! I have a 3 year old daughter too and if anyone said anything WEIRD I would be insane... what have they said!?!?
Re: money same - 100%
Same here in Chicago - but it just like feels so weird!!
Looks like I am going to put more money in my Botox bank!!
YEAH thats just awkward 101. Thanks for the compliment on my adult looks while my father is dead though! lol... people are so weird.
Well that and how else are they going to get around?
It just scares me. My oldest is 3. I have a whole future of worrying ahead of me... don’t I haha.
We eliminated using paper towels in our house... this leaves us with a lot of wash clothes and napkins.
This is my biggest pet peeve. I lived with a roommate that had NO concept of time... specifically when it came to her getting ready to go out. She would spend HOURS getting ready. HOURS. We were late to everything, and I started just leaving for parties without her.
Sadly, I am even scared letting my kids go to a sleepover camp or like a day camp where I can’t be there. I have two daughters and I just don’t want to risk anything happening to them...
My daughters are able to sleep over at my cousins house - but she is like my sister and I 100000% know they are safe.
This so much brings me back to my grandma’s funeral and my disgusting uncle Glen saying “OOO YOU BETTER WATCH THAT ONE” and pointed at me.