Virtual Brit


Yeah mine will wait for me to get dressed - and “magically” match colors or patterns.

My husband always wants to match. :(

Shit even in the suburbs it doesn’t get you far - I don’t even have a mortgage (I mentioned earlier my dad passed away) but I do pay taxes and in my state (Illinois) its HIGH. My husband and I earn a mid 6 figures number and do not overspend because we pay for Metra, daycare for 2 kids, a sick parent we take care of,

I sincerely would not have been able to pay my student loans until NOW (34 years old) had my dad not passed away and I used my inheritance to pay off 75% of the loan. Its now manageable for me and I owe about $10k.

I was sitting in a DC hotel bar Friday afternoon (my cousin and I met after work), and CNN was on one TV talking about this inhumane crisis - the other TV had on Fox News discussing Democratic nominees for president.

Me neither!!! I actually confused her with Lindsay!

I am having SO many flashbacks from this thread.

I am also here for it.

For the longest time I thought Jennifer Hudson was married to him! 

This made my 14 year old self so fucking incredibly happy. THIS IS THE REAL JOURNALISM I NEED. 

Yeah there’s nothing negative coming out of my mouth. I live in the south suburbs and grew up in Marquette Park area. I am pro south side - its just a matter of getting other Chicagoans on the same wave. 

I mean, as women we are barely protected some times... 

I mean they weren’t poor - they just never had food in the house. 

I sincerely hate when women call each other bitch, hoe, slore - or anything in that vein. I am a vulgar woman and I still find it more grating than anything! 

More like Guncle. 

I like some of her wardrobe choices... but the slicked back with white blonde hair and being very pale is TOO much.

Chicago roads are so bad, that I honestly feel like they are just pretend fixing them. 

I really prefer the NYC to CHI and I live in Chicago. It feels less congested.

Ugh that was for the reply to your reply! I am a dummy.

I agree with you - but also I think of all the small businesses in Boystown that are benefiting and that kind of makes me happy? I am happy the money is helping people? I dunno. I am pretty torn on both sides. Because I completely agree with you but also see the $$$ aspect.