Virtual Brit


Mine is Mini Maid which is less human... Rupert is adorable. Do people bedazzle their Roombas? I am asking for a friend obviously.


I know. I honestly feel horrible because he does some of the grossest stuff. And yes its gross. She poos, pees, gets food everywhere, is mean... I mean its a LOT to deal with and he does it daily with no complaints.

OMG I wish our cat cared about the Roomba. I semi treat the Roomba like a real person... 

Yeah I am really confused when I hear couples aren’t splitting the work or chipping in when they can. Mostly because its 2019 - like if you aren’t splitting it what the fuck is going on?!

Now playing

This gets in my head WAY more than it should... even if my kids haven’t watched LBB in a month or more:

We are also forgetting our  other “spouse” the Roomba. My Roomba makes me feel like the dishes are done even if its just rolling over a Lego repeatedly. 

I think I am in that group of “50/50". To be honest, my husband might even do more work than me around the house.

Unpopular opinion - but I am fine with this. 

HAHAHAHA!!! SAME!!!!! I am so glad I am not alone because I am asking my husband all these questions and half the time I only hearing “GRAPHITE”. As dumb as I feel... I still really enjoyed watching it. 

Yeah I have a particularly hard time with English accents. When I watch Just Fab, in order to catch all the jokes - I alwaaaays leave on captions.

AH! How cool though - my husband is from Latvia. 

I don’t know if I could process the actual information fast enough - though I do have difficulty understanding English accents at times as well.

How did I miss this story!?! 

I also could not stop laughing at my desk and I feel like a complete sicko. 

I’d like to think mine would stay... but I think he would definitely let his curiosity get the best of him.

My mini panther has a squirrel friend that sits on the post out side of the window and just stares at him for like a minute and then scampers off.

I live on a busy street - I think its idiotic to even risk it.

Nope - I made a note they were fully clawed so people didn’t go on declawing rants.