I'm PMSing and I have a menstrual migraine - can I PLEASE punch all of these stupid tweeters in their collective faces? #TamponsShouldBeSubsidized
I'm PMSing and I have a menstrual migraine - can I PLEASE punch all of these stupid tweeters in their collective faces? #TamponsShouldBeSubsidized
15-month suspension for making unwanted sexual advances toward clients who were referred to him by the Susan B. Anthony Project for abused women.
I mean it's a definite case of PHRASING, as Archer would say.
I love tiny old people. He's like a 70 year old man in a six year old's body.
I love imagining her picking out her collars based on how pissed she is at a decision. "Oh, I am going full-on starched cotton on this bitch!"
"UGH YOU ARE NOT HELPING!" is something I yell at Dawkins' twitter account often.
It's only at 47%
This puts me in the uncomfortable position of having to agree with Jenny McCarthy, and I don't like it.
This is 100% the way to handle these situations and I was just discussing that with someone last night. I have this theory that a lot of people say a lot of the stupid shit they say because they spew it on the day to day and it remains fully unchecked. A simple, unemotional, factual retort like that there is usually…
The fact that Little Finger is Carcetti blows my mind every single time I think about it. Little Finger... is... Carcetti...!!
You know what doesn't distract from learning? Crushing student loan debts, and the constant worry about how the hell you're going to repay them.
I am a graduate student at UCSB, and almost all of my students live in Isla Vista. My heart is heavy and my stomach churns over this, the latest in a string of terrible things to happen to our community. Between the particularly violent gang rapes a few months back and the riots in April, this community has already…
I ask the same question about Jessica Simpson all the time.
We at Team Dog regret this incident and plan on investigating further. The perpetrator will be retrained, neutered, subject to house arrest in perpetuity and denied treats. His owners will be flogged. A lot.
We at Team Dog regret this incident and plan on investigating further.
Someone should only be called a baby doctor in all professional serious if they're a child supergenius.
"She opened her top and showed them her boobs, which Jennifer says were completely covered in 'the most beautiful angels and beautiful butterflies and baskets of flowers in pastel-colored tattoos.'"
This is always why I loved partying with Southern white girls back in my partying days. Beginning of the night? Flawless dress, pearls and manners. End of the night?
She devolves into what we like to call "country." I kind of love her for it.