
At first, I was surprised by how incredibly level-headed she was through all of this. Then I realized how often she's had to touch his naked body and figured she's probably mastered the art of burying her emotions.


When I see a man drinking bourbon, I think—did this dude steal my bourbon?

Yeah, I'm with you. I'm a large woman. I was a chubby child and bullied for that for years, so I have a lot of sympathy for this woman, and the idea of somebody doing that to me makes me cringe. OTOH, if this happened to me I would make it my mission to get the jerk responsible fired but I would pretty much rather die

white people love to make someone "the nigger" even when there are none

I disagree. I haven't read the GQ article yet but I would rather read articles about outlandish mutants with obvious psychological issues than another piece about how that actress from that one show loves wearing skirts and hates fake people.

I believe she's ethnically Russian. Apparently there's some sort of divide in Ukraine.

In my experience, University Health Services BARELY qualify as medical professionals.

That's the joke. The entire "controversy" has completely bypassed the issue Colbert and his writers were ridiculing in the first place: How in 2014, a team can still be called the Redskins. It's satirizing how we're so numb to the fact that Redskins is a long-defined racial slur but gooks and other words instantly set

Wait, so I wasn't supposed to eat those Irish babies? Fuuuuuuu

Now I've become one of those middle-aged women who looks out for young women on public transportation. I can think of two times when I was traveling alone as a teenager when a nice older lady saved me from a creep.

We sure did manage to get to the boringest final four possible, didn't we?

I hope someone punches the stupid out of you. They'd have to beat you to death, but would that really be such a loss?


"Unprofessional" was the word used most often.

Cue influx of people who don't understand how racism and institutional power works in 3, 2, 1....

Can we please not call them "pro-vaxxers?" We don't call all tenured biologists pro-evolutionists or all board certified physicians pro-AIDS-truthers. There's no such thing as a pro-vaxx person or physician. There are normal, functional, educated people, and there are vaxx-deniers, AIDS-deniers, and evolution deniers.

The saddest day of my grandmother's life was when I left the south to become a 'Yankee' (I lived in the mid-west for 5 years). I might as well have shot her dog.

Totally agree re: major body work. I got my third and fourth arms attached just before college, and it really helped me balance course-work and husband hunting.