
Liquor does not "change the chemistry of antifreeze." Your body ends up too busy processing the alcohol, so your enzymes don't get the chance to process the antifreeze and kill you. The alcohol is a competitive inhibitor of the ethylene glycol in antifreeze.

"Coach, I'm actually thinking of staying for my sophomore year."

I almost started to yell the other day when I tasted my first Thin Mint of the season and realized that they've changed the recipe or something. I wouldn't have yelled directly at the young scout who sold me the cookies, but boy was I mad.

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'
Isaac Asimov


White people look the same.

Do to a horrific scheduling snafu, biathalon was scheduled at the same time as the Skiathlon. We will release the names after the families have been notified.

Good things there aren't gays on this show, though. We're much more difficult to explain to your daughter than late-night ocean sex with strangers.

May you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows you're dead

Putting "she" in quotation marks like that is both unnecessary and rude.

We are. Houston is now a blue city and it is largely because of women voters. Houston.....good 'ole boy central is now blue. Let that sink in a bit and then cheer for progress!!

Lord, if you can't give aneurysms to all the white people who fling the n-bomb around, can you at least take care of the ones who insist they're somehow not using it to mean black people?

Seems to me that everyone here elected to exercise their rights. The woman chose to be in a commercial and the theater chose to let her go. Not sure what the heck first amendment rights has to do with her being booted from a play. The right to free speech does not guarantee the right to no consequences.

Couldn't they have come up with a better name for their plan?

Denim is cotton twill, and the name originated from "de Nimes", the city in France where it originated. I am a fount of useless information.

This was literally the first result on a google image search for "witch doctor santa"