
The fights are definitely balanced around a single player for the most part, with the exception of some of the multi enemy boss fights. Co-Op is really there just to help people that don’t want the single player challenge. Unforutnately this means people that like a challenge but ALSO want to play with their friends

My favorite part is actually that they pick up their souls during the fight, showing you this was not the first attempt. Likely many attempts in. This is what I play the game for. I go in with a melee build and low vigor ready to be beaten down into a finely honed blade for the satisfaction of that final battle where

It does actually revolutionize gaming. I guess this person just decided to have some weird epiphany during it, which I don’t think can really be attributed to Elden Ring as a game. Probably just someone being ridiculous though.


The game is only being published by Game Mill. The devs are Ludosity who were the makers of Slap City, which was a really silly melee clone, but had solid foundational mechanics. Movement and controls were all super tight and melee like compared to other smash clones.

Now Ludosity was given the chance to take their

It’s honestly an insane notion to me that you would ever want to surrender in a game where the biggest upset option shows up at the 2 min mark, the match only ever lasts 10 mins total. Why would you surrender in ranked when you have even the slightest chance, even if it is 1%, what if the other team DCs or something

Make sure to report quitters. If anyone goes afk because they think the team is going to lose so try to surrender but the rest of the team refuses to surrender, report them. They will get -10 fair play points, so if they are reported by the team that will bar them from ranked for a while.

The toxicity is not part of said “kink”. I’m not defending people telling others to “git gud, beta” or whatever you are referencing. I am saying there is a sense of elation to completing a gated challenge that goes beyond that of games that offer difficulty sliders. I’m not trying to shame anyone for “trying” to play

I have no idea what your disability is and even if I did, I likely don’t share it so couldn’t speak on it. I will say that accessibility options in the way of catering to disabilities like color blindness or deafness are distinctly different than just adding an easy mode, and absolutely welcome. There are likely ways

I mean you’re welcome to not understand this statement. But again these are hobbies and people are welcome to enjoy or be enticed by them in any way they please. You’re effectively kink shaming by telling someone they can’t possibly need a gated challenge to enjoy their gaming.

Your comparison to Baseball is all wrong.

Complaining about a game being too hard and needing more accessible options is the same as complaining that a game is not hard enough and needs more difficult options. It should ultimately be up to the developer, and I think both easy, hard, and games with both have a space.

There’s obviously something wrong with

4k doesn’t matter to me, but I was really hoping for a performance boost to replay BotW on, and then of course play BotW2. Many of Nintendo’s first party games are notably more ambitious than the switch can properly handle. It’s baffling that they wouldn’t bring the new model’s tech up to par.

I actually just ran through Doom 1, Doom 2, Doom 64, Doom 2016, and Doom Eternal back to back on their hardest difficulties(excluding doom 1 and 2 nightmare). The only Doom game I had played previously was Doom 3 when I was young, which I liked at the time.

My personal ranking would be

1. Doom Eternal
2. Doom 2016
3. Doom

Honestly, for me I still feel that it respects my time. I just set limits and goals for myself within the confines of the game. I don’t want EVERY character, I want the 5-10 characters I LOVE. I don’t map out my progress or anything. I do willingly pay 15 dollars every 30 days, for the Battle Pass and the Welfin Moon.

Your method would not be effected. This change only applies to “Game Time” purchases, which are the non-sub options. You can still resub at the monthly 15 and immediately cancel the sub.

This is basically a weird power move to force Game Time purchases to buy bigger chunks, OR to bait them into buying a sub and

Most of this list matches my own preferences. But I would have Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles swapped with Sonic 2.

1. Sonic&Knuckles
2.Sonic 3
3. Sonic Mania
4. Sonic 2

Similar story to yours for the reason, I just liked and played those 2 as a combo way way way more than Sonic 2. I loved that you could save your game, and

Dark Souls(10/10)>Bloodborne(10/10)>Sekiro(10/10)>Demon Souls(9.5/10)>DS3(9/10)>DS2(9/10)

Put simply. Demon Souls at launch.

All the Storm effects remind me of the Anthem trailer. This trailer seems to make me feel like we are really at that point where leaps in graphical quality just aren’t a thing anymore. This looks great, sure, but mostly as good as anything already out now with super minor improvements.

1000% this. Half the things a newcomer would be confused about absolutely match the confusion you have for those same things in the original. The other half is new stuff that is confusing to old players as well.