
The game’s lack of success in Kickstarter had very little to do with the previous game and everything to do with the people behind it. I fucking loved Eternal Darkness and with a different team I might have backed it, but I was not about to touch that kickstarter with a 10 foot pole. There was a -lot- of word going

Not much. It’s mostly white noise.

That’s like saying “Sure, a seatbelt will work, until a psychotic driver rams into your car with a semi.”

That’s not getting smart, that’s getting psychotic.

Grats on the win.

I’m not saying your posting makes you 100x more punchable, now am I? Not really the same logic.

Not really that way. Just, who gets this agitated because someone wears a particular color of glasses? It’s weird, dude.

I didn’t even notice his glasses color and your obsession with it comes off as a little weird.

By the responses to this in the comments you’d think he dumped a bunch of oil into a protected river to gain subscribers.

The anger about this is not proportional to what has occurred.

I don’t think the Fireflies are going to be involved in this. If Ellie’s now killing Fireflies, I think it would go too much in the direction of answering the question the last game asked: Was Joel right?

The Fireflies were already in the process of being wiped out in the course of the last game. For most of the game

I’m curious, are the releases of anime on sites like Crunchyroll eventually replaced with the blu-ray versions? I’m assuming not since that incentivizes purchasing the blu-ray.

What should they be called?

Can you clarify why you think this “safe space bubble” is weird? What is weird about someone blocking someone who’s harassing them?