
I admit I skim read your post but I like the idea of S02's plane crash as a metaphor for WW's rise and fall. So much collateral damage and lives ruined. If that hold true I'm going to expect to see Walter going out with a collosal bang!

I remember when I read Red Dragon almost 25 years ago, that I'd never read anything like it. Fuller nailed it when he identified it as purple opera. To my mind only Manhunter ever got close to recreating that feeling that the novel gave me. I hated Silence of The Lambs and the other two movies just didn't do anything.

Stoopid hipster

Late to the party but just needed to correct you on a couple of things;
Jack was wearing body armour. You saw the bullet fall to the floor after it hit him.The radiation zones were the way the Tet kept the Jack/Victoria teams apart. That's why Freemen warned Jack about what he'd find if he actually crossed into the rad

I couldn't understand why the Scavs needed to trundle the co-opted suicide drone out of their base on a stoopid, snail-speed tractor? Surely the drone was fully functional and could have just scooted off under it's own power? That whole segment was just a bit lame (as was making Freeman a cyber-punk-shade wearing

Did anyone else get a Return of The Jedi vibe from this? Obviously Endor was a bit greener but still…

Bran's tale of the man turned into a white rat who feeds only on his young (simply because he killed a house guest) surely points to Walder Frey getting some very tough justice at some point? Walder's dialog with Roose was loaded with portent!

Can't believe we're discussing post Easy Rider, empty-headed, existential 70's road movies and not mention the very groovy 'Electraglide in Blue'!?

You're right! Roger's a lion.

I have a horrible feeling that Roger may not make it through his amphetamine experience (where was he!?) His mentioning of his dodgy ticker kind of presaged it. I hope I'm wrong but…

BRODY..B…R…O…D..Y dammit!

BRODY..B…R…O…D..Y dammit!

Because they were recording it on a vhs recorder stashed in the foyer as oppose to a solid state recorder either in a nuke-proof bunker or at the NSA or somesuch?

Because they were recording it on a vhs recorder stashed in the foyer as oppose to a solid state recorder either in a nuke-proof bunker or at the NSA or somesuch?

I don't get who the audience for
these 'reviews' is supposed to be? Are they for people who haven't watched the
episode in question? Or are they for those of us who've seen the show? If it's
the latter why do you repeat things from the episode as though we weren't
watching. For instance "…she can’t even get her
grandson to

I don't get who the audience for
these 'reviews' is supposed to be? Are they for people who haven't watched the
episode in question? Or are they for those of us who've seen the show? If it's
the latter why do you repeat things from the episode as though we weren't
watching. For instance "…she can’t even get her
grandson to

Yeah, but that prologue was unbelievable. Bond being repeatedly injected with scorpian poison, growing a beard, generally bugging out and then…crap.

Yeah, but that prologue was unbelievable. Bond being repeatedly injected with scorpian poison, growing a beard, generally bugging out and then…crap.

Watching it as a 7 year old boy (the target demographic I'm guessing) it was by far and away the best Bond of all; Little Nellie, rappelling Ninjas, super-secret hidden rocket base and Nancy Sinatra over the lushest strings ever committed to vinyl. I was in heaven. Of course now it doesn't really cut the mustard but

Watching it as a 7 year old boy (the target demographic I'm guessing) it was by far and away the best Bond of all; Little Nellie, rappelling Ninjas, super-secret hidden rocket base and Nancy Sinatra over the lushest strings ever committed to vinyl. I was in heaven. Of course now it doesn't really cut the mustard but