Virginia is for Fighters

Frankly there’s a time and a place for words like “sorry” and “just”. I think the key is not overusing them.

So if SCOTUS nullifies the Texas law, is anyone else wondering if Texas is going to secede? I mean, they’ve had a rough week.

We saw him live in California and he was so divisive with so many cheap shots that we just spent the evening cringing, rather than laughing. Even my in-laws who are fairly liberal couldn’t stand it. I don’t find him to be that intellectually honest, either.

If you have to use #imnotracist, well then you very well may be a racist...

Our pediatrician’s website states in BOLD letters that if you plan to opt out of vaccines, you are not allowed to be a patient at their practice due to health safety for all other patients.

Hi - fellow non-liberal (independent; feminist, liberal on social issues, conservative on most other stuff) here. I read Jez because they present a lot of issues here; a lot of the commentators are funny but also many have some thoughtful insight/perspective (and some are both!). But it is written in a

Yeah well, Scalia’s the one who on multiple occasions has asked questions about non-existent clauses/language in disputed legislation...

No one’s surprised by this...right? I mean it’s Whole Foods.

Aaaah. Thanks, I’ve learned something today!

Yeah I didn’t think they could do that...yet.

Yes. The justice system may be flawed, but I have even less confidence in a school’s ability to investigate a sexual assault complaint.

That’s the beauty of our free market society. Those moms can rail against Chobani and boycott it...and then the rest of us can just go out and eat a shit load of yogurt in solidarity and boost Chobani’s sales.

Truth! Hence the angst over searching for the ‘meaning of life’.

I’m sorry for the loss of your family! These decisions are personal and people always can’t seem to resist the urge to butt in! I don’t think you’re selfish, if it helps! :)

Yeah I’ve heard that argument before too, but those that can’t have children would be rendered with a purposeless life. We have evolved in so many areas...why not that one?

I think arguments get misplaced though because when you have a child, you have to put the needs of that child above your own so we mistakenly assume that just because someone is doing that that someone not in that circumstance is ‘selfish’. It’s a false definition though.

That might be part of it.

ha ha. That’s one of the better analogies I’ve heard for having children.

Agree. Whereas if it’s reversed, no one talks about the man being selfish, but rather the woman ‘trying to change the guy’.

Why is it selfish not to have kids? The definition of selfish is to ‘act without consideration of others, concerned chiefly with one’s personal profit or pleasure’. So is it selfish if the ‘other’ involved doesn’t even exist?