
This is good to know. Would have been nice to be in the article. But maybe lots of people know that? I’m in my late 30's and am pretty shocked about a lot of stuff I don’t know about the rituals of the presidency.

It’s like a little kid, “most awesomeness day in the whole universe”.

What the fuck is this? Are cheetos going to be the new national bird? Spray tan orange the new flag colors? In other more adult words, this is the sign of leadership meltdown. They are losing it! They’re doing everything they possibly can to shovel over the bodies of his opposition and it’s not working. So I’m afraid

Thank you for sharing this.

“They are much more likely to rally around a cause you bring to them than to rally with a woman of color who approaches them about the same issues, perhaps for the same reason you didn’t like hearing a woman of color ask you to organize your people.”

How easy is it to change the minds of those that practice internalized racism? Easy, right? So, white women, you better herd up those bigoted trump voting cunts, and have them drink this magic potion that suddenly makes them woke. :/ I wish. The thing is, I can’t help you other white people change. As much as I’d love

This is pretty much my same response. I do known bunch of white women trump voters though, and they used to be friends. Fuck them. And I’ve said it to their faces.

“The organizing has to be directed at the white people who didn’t vote, who are apolitical and non-fanatical and who can be made aware. The hardcore fanatics are for the most part a lost cause - you can’t get a liberal atheist to suddenly turn conservative troglodyte Christian fundie so it won’t work the other way

“countless conflicts of interest” and allow “unprecedented influence by foreign governments.”

I used to I think that doing stuff like this was useless, but it’s not. Case in point: Saturday’s turn out. Even if this petition doesn’t get him to hand over those tax documents, the fact that so many people have signed this is proof he doesn’t give af what the people want. It’s starting to add up.

I saw”Swamp Barbie” on another post. Both so fitting.

There needs to be an Orange poop emoji. STAT.

Does anyone know how to start a legit petition for this? I assume that millions would sign it, myself included. I’d research and pull it off but I’m dealing with a cross country move right now.

It’s actually really good! There is/was one at Venice Beach. It’s probably not the healthiest on the planet, but it’s like frozen soft candy. Perfect hot weather/beach snack. Best thing about it is they give generous samples.

I didn’t think I could cry again today! But, thanks a lot! This is such beautiful, wonderful, and glorious truth! All the stars! Xoxo

If there’s some kind of Christmas spirit or Fairy God Mother .... Come make her born poor with no platform and access to reproductive services. The stupid with that one is strong.

She’s such an embarrassment.

Thank you for this! Beautifully said! I actually think these people only do this in order to Slut shame. They don’t actually give af.