Abortions r us LLC!
Abortions r us LLC!
You fucking nailed it!
That’s not what I meant. You didn’t get pregnant just to have an abortion, right? Their whole platform is that of making it like a sport. Like, killing unborn babies is something that is done purposefully for fun, like hunting. I am glad you were able to have the choice and that you feel comfortable saying you wanted…
Even if God signed that static report, these nuts won’t listen. It’s all about shaming the slutty slut faces.
Scary idea. :/
That’s exactly what they argue and it’s moot! Grrrrrr!!!!!
“I knew that with Hillary, there would definitely be no hope for the unborn,” she explained. “But with him, I was very hopeful.” I’m so sick of these idiots.
I’m so non violent, and I hate violence, but I agree with this so hard and it’s the ducking truth. He deserved that! So hard!
I read that tear gas ha been used already. :/
Ivanka and that other daughter are mocking Hillary with their white pantsuits. Hillary’s face was pure bitch fire when she saw them. Fuck them. They are mocking all of us. My jaw dropped.
This is the sum of the parts.
“Eh, if we’re counting the American people being supplied with accurate information before going to polls as delegitimizing our electoral system, Obama didn’t win in 2012 because of the 47% video, or in 2008 because of the Rolling Stone expose on McCain’s military record. I’m not sure any president has ever won if we…
This gave me chills.
You know, I’ve been having a crap reaction to wine (red and white) for the last few weeks. Why now?????!!!!! It’s like the only thing that helps on the evening. :/ So, I had to stop drinking it. So much sad. :( I’ve been taking 2000 mg of MSM and an EmergenC packet a day. It’s helped a lot with my rage strokes and…
Google around about MSM taken with vitamin C. It’s been helping with my stress and breathing issues. Hugs!
Amen. Oh god. This made me laugh so hard. Thank you.