Many women's shelters etc. can use old cellphones. They give them out to people in dangerous situations (domestic violence) for emergency contact.
Many women's shelters etc. can use old cellphones. They give them out to people in dangerous situations (domestic violence) for emergency contact.
I believe penalty-free withdrawals (for IRAs and RothIRAs) only begin at age 59. Below that they take a cut. The exception is for rollovers - if you're using the cash you withdraw for investing into another IRA or similar investment vehicle.
I would say that given the direction fuel costs are going, the 8 week out rule is not valid any more. As soon as possible is a much better rule!
I just let the stuff go where it needs to go, and most of it (90%) usually ends up in the reservoir. If I spill a bit, big deal, the inside of my engine compartment got a wash, in some liquid that won't freeze in the winter. When it's minus 20 outside, arsing around with milk-jugs etc. is not a good idea.
Agree. If there's one way to almost guarantee your bags won't make it, it's to check them at the absolute last minute. Everything else you say about liguids/sharps makes sense too, I didn't think of that, thanks!
Changing the background does not require installing any software....
I don't see maple syrup on the list?
Yes, but this is all about GLYCEMINC INDEX, which is actually a useful number. When you eat a given amount of a food, GI is the area under the curve for the spike in blood sugar that occurs. This is then expressed relative to eating the same amount of glucose (actually the ref' point is usually a glucose drink). …
You can get it pretty clean by just flipping it upside down and bashing all the crumbs out on a bed of slightly wet kitchen paper.
LBtwL is a great place, and you went there at the right time of year. In the summer it can be desribed in only 2 simple words.... DEER TICKS!
One major issue, is that a lot of sites (including CHASE BANK if you can believe it!) do not allow you to use non alphanumeric characters in your passwords. It's easy to say "avoid those sites", but it's not so simple when we're talking about something as important as access to one's financial records.
Here in NY, the state collects sales tax from all online retailers, not just amazon. They base it on ship to address, so if you're in NYC you could conceivably ship to a friend in NJ or CT and save on the tax.
I agree. There are numerous "unclutterer" type articles and blogs out there (including one famous one where the writer tried to pare her belonging back to 100 items - crazy!). They all share a common theme - reliance on others.
Of course, in the case of little miss matched, the question was actually "how can we leverage the branding and TV-show tie-ins afforded us by the mega corporation that is Disney, to make even more money off of little girls?"
Jurassic Park
If you have an SSD (like I do), shut-down almost every time, because boot-time is so short anyway (about 30 s. to usable).
VOTE: Continental
I really have to take issue with a lot of what is written here, since much of it seems focused on self-congratulation for small tasks which completely ignore the big picture (namely, the goal of getting a new job!) The whole thing about writing a book is a joke - like there aren't already millions of unemployed…
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