
1) Flip-cam

Most exchange servers will have POP3 or IMAP accessibility, just ask your IT folks for the correct login settings. You could also consider using a smartphone as the middleman - hook up an iPhone to the exchange server, then use google calendar to sync' it across to your thunderbird.

Timbuk2 bags are just amazing. I have their Netbook messenger and it is perfect for airline carry on.

So the big question is whether it will deal with the bloated winsxs folder, which occupies anywhere from 5 to 15 GB on most machines - this can be a serious issue for SSD users, and so far there's no really good tool to decrease its size (there was in Vista, not in Win7).

I consider the use of very old and outdated versions of software without a license, to be reasonably kosher. For example, I have a very early version of Potatoshop which I "got from a friend". It contains no licensing restrictions (just type in the serial # off the box and away you go). Being nearly 10 years old, it

Coarse grain salt, combined with fresh rosemary, makes an awesome foccacia topping.

Just get adblock plus already!

Glad you registered. You saved me the trouble of explaining what a dumbass idea this is.

You had me right up until... "You cant save for retirement when you only make $21.00 an hour".

Talk to a local venture capitalist about tech' investments, or pool with some friends so you have a chunk of change (say $250k) to buy into some bigger vehicles. A lot of tech start-ups have minimum tranches in the $10-20k region. Don't expect a return for at least 5 years, and you can fully expect 90% of such

Diversification of investments is my mantra. The key reason being that I don't know where I'll be retiring. Could be here in the US with no social security because I'm not a citizen; Could be overseas where I came from because I would qualify for a state pension there; Could be somewhere completely unrelated like

8% annual growth? Ha ha! Yeah maybe during the 90s, but certainly not gonna happen in this economy for the next decade or so, if we're headed they same way Japan went.

@chefJOSEPH: Academia. I once got someone in a lot of trouble by contacting a referee on his CV - turns out it was his current boss, who didn't know he was out looking. Of course I didn't hire - if he lied to his current boss, he can do it to me later.

Agree, expect for not including references. "References available on request" is basically code for "my boss doesn't know I'm looking for another job". If I have to ask for names of people I have to ask for references, that adds another 3 days to the hiring procedure, and already puts me in a bad mood before you

100% agree on the backpack comment. I just can't get over how much crap people lug around with them. For me it's the notbook, in a super small but very functional Timbuk2 bag, with just enough room for lunch... []

One thing I found when editing tags/info in iTunes in windows.... for some reason, if you do a LOT of changes in a mammoth re-tagging session (I once spent 4 hours doing this), it doesn't save all the information, which can be very frustrating! The solution is to quit iTunes every hour or so, and that seems to force

+1 vote here for the Antec Fusion Remote case. It is a bit pricey, but the build quality is amazing - variable speed fans, rubber grommits on everything for noise suppression, beautiful cable routing, the LCD can scroll RSS, weather and other information. Only down-side is that the remote software itself is third

Question... buy an e-reader now, or wait for iPad 2 in a few months.

@Wviper: It might take a while, but provided you don't have any overlapping file names, just do the copy all over again. 25GB is not a lot of photos (I have about 10GB a year just from casual snapping with a 10MP P&S).

@huh989: I would avoid many of the fruit/veg beers, if you're planning on adding the ingredient during the brew. The sugars and flavor just tend to dissipate. Blackberry ale ended up just being a regular beer but pink. Pumpkin stout tasted like regular stout. Adding it at the bottling stage probably is better, or