
I really like the Macan, and in terms of fun and utility, is maybe the best replacement for my old WRX wagon.  Except it costs more than three times as much- yeesh!  I know it’s about twice the power and higher quality and mor Porsche, but really.

gas is cheap, so they can build them in Tulsa and ship them back to CA. Moving to a red state may be the only way to convince them electric is good.

They used to do elegant grill-less designs, unlike Teslas and all the current oversized grills.

I can hardly believe the Pacer came with a V8.  That seems like such overkill.  I always thought it was just a weirdo copy of a Pinto.

I drove an 83 900 across the country, and the seats were great.  I loved/ hated that car.

Being in the back of a wagon meant a rougher ride and less air.  When someone barfed, they were moved up to the front seat, which had its own rewards.

He got a sweetheart deal for the old NUMMI plant and has had numerous OSHA safety issues and he’s attacking Alameda County health officials? Are people clamoring for cars right now? I love Teslas and am glad it worked out to build them in the Bay Area, but Musk can go to hell via his stupid tunnel.

The newer Civics are growing on me, and pretty nice in person, but that current grill on the Civic and Accord is so styleless and busy.

Yeesh, the price, the size, the weight of stuff like this does nothing for me. We all know the limitations of a Vanagon, but they are cheaper, drive easily, have great visibility, and can park anywhere, with decent mileage. Power and plushness are not what I want to go camping.

But urban traffic is low now, so is easily absorbed.

This is a great idea, similar to my dream of car-free roads coinciding with the superbowl, although this also recognizes the limited options of hiking and biking in some areas. People near nice open spaces complained and had parks closed because people were using them, but the fact is, limiting most folks to their

Thank you.

Actually, you could drive it more places with the snorkel.  

Doesn’t gas get reformulated in the spring and consumption normally goes up? I believe this is when the price normally skyrockets to the extent that politicians angrily demand answers and then quietly nothing happens.  So that may be tempering the reduction in cost in Ca, and wah wah, no one is driving anyway and it

Oooh, sweet burn.

a 70’s 911 Targa, a Citroen we got to see go up and down, glimpses of Jaguar E Type project cars in many garages. Cursed beautiful European cars.

Wah! Good luck Kristen and thanks for all you did here. Except shitting on the new NSX, which is lovely. You’re still wrong. But you’re alright.

Now that we have a sociopath narcissist in the presidency, and see the blundering, poisonous acts they are capable, I would prefer a closeted, low key kind of narcissist, or perhaps someone who isn’t one at all. While many CEOs have flaws, most can shut up and stick to what they know. Whatever we think of Bill

More importantly. Why do sci fi cars have such lousy suspension?!  They bounce like a toy Barbie Jeep.  No thank you to that dystopian car suspension future, I say!

part of the issue was limiting Trump’s giveaways to corporations- so it isn’t just weaponized in this election year to punish blue states, build more wall, or favor companies emblazoned with his name in gold, because of course he will.  Thankfully there will be oversight.