
It is their right to do so. Even if we do not like it.

Who gives a shit. I am tired of these glorified tech demos with amazing graphics and shitty story and boring game play.

Is Anita Sarkeesian still working on this game?

Silence gamer peasant. You will be forced into non-lethal violence and like it.

Nobody cares.

Mods. That is all.

I’ve played since launch. I am excited for the expansion. Hype is not always a negative term.

There will be so much porn of this.

Women have never killed men after being scorned.

So, enlighten us, Feminists: How are men supposed to know which of you fucks will pull this on them or not?

What a racist article.

“That sounds pretty interesting, right?” Nope.

Keyboard works fine.

Holy hell, how many articles have you posted about this one game?

Hahahaha. Well, you wanted the police to quit ‘harassing’ people, now you get to enjoy the crime rate going up as a result. Remember, you asked for this.

Now this is the Kotaku level gaming journalism we have all come to expect.

This guy needs to listen to Gabens lectures on sales like this.

Does all the new content have matchmaking with random players? I have no buds with a PS4.