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This review sums up my feelings on this game.

I tend to agree with you. I remember HL 1 and HL 2 being used as tech demos as well.

I still have a feeling Valve has something big coming our way that is Half-Life related. I am also 100% sure it will involve hats.

It is still a religion for idiots, like yourself.

I bet he could kick your ass Drew.

Clearly this guy did not have his credentials. Also as I said, it is to their discretion, as that twitter post proves.

Actually it does. A curfew can be applied to some or all people in the public space after a certain time, by law. If the police decide that applies to reporters it does, the law leaves room for their discretion.

No, but there is a curfew. It applies to everyone, even douchebag reporters.

Please stop objectifying dinosaurs.

Has he made any cool sock puppets recently?

Cool. I bet you still collect random shit and do endless fetch quests.

Mmmm, slurp up that free publicity. Ride the riots to victory Hillary.

No matchmaking still? What a joke.

I take his word over yours.

I always imagined it would be a penis.

How much do you think the community will charge for horse armor?

Think positive, as I dive my way into my scrooge mcduck gold pit.

8 Gabe bucks.

Phil Fish is that you?

The Lazarus device.