
Who is cleverest really isn't so objective. How would you judge it? I could name any number of excellent physicists. There are popular ones like Brian Greene, Martin Rees, less popular ones working at CERN, and so on. Who says any one is the "finest mind"?

It's really not crap. You have to balance things up with security - efficient to implement, sensitivity of data, easy to use, etc. This is a good balance.

"Finest mind alive"? Admit it, that idea comes out of nowhere (or if anywhere, merely his image).

My point is that the absence of the Higgs would show the Standard Model to be wrong.

Face it, we'll never find the Higgs boson, because it is simply too improbably that the Standard Model is 100% right.

Can you imagine it? Apple patents the Higgs Boson, science legally prohibited from progressing, all Apple employees get superpowers.

The most important thing for me when considering a mouse is where the sensor is placed underneath. You'd think that was unimportant, but it's crucial. If you use a mouse right-handed, a sensor placed to the left will make your cursor move in crazy ways.

I really don't think it's so bad. I agree it's meaningless but it makes the app feel nice. And there's certainly no problem with the rest of their apps' designs.

We in the UK here have already learned not to trust a thing written in the Daily Mail.

I'm looking for a mouse with super high precision control - for fine mouse-work. I want the pointer to move only when I tell it to, to exactly where I told it to.

I think the difference is that because email is so instant, it gives us the feeling of being in touch. It makes it feel like we've closed the distance - when we really haven't.


But is there a performance difference?

Is it better to have 4 2GB sticks, or 2 4GB sticks, to get to 8GB?

That's a manly leg I see there.

It's a really poignant example of how the digital world has distanced us all from each other. Parents left content that they've been in touch with their son just through email - nothing of the person's essence necessary. And also a horrid story, I feel awful for the parents.

How will you handle content duplication? Will there be stories on the main site not shown on the UK site? Because I don't want to miss the normal feed... adding on some UK stuff as well is good though.

Princeton University!? That image is of Trinity College, Cambridge, UK! Even if it's a joke, at least award due credit for awesome college-ness!

Just bad experimental practice. Tainted results. People misunderstood scoring system.

Well at least you said it: this isn't news at all! Been going on for years!