
Was he harnessed in any way? Surely it's way too dangerous to just sit unattached?!

Maybe iTunes will load in under 5 minutes on this.

Apple played around with us. Forgive and forget? No. I'm not going to forget this day.

New logo = amazing! How can anyone like the dated CD thing?

Glowing trees adorning sidewalks? I can't wait for the future.

@shibbybypass: Not all humans are ethical. Some are. Like you and me. So we have no excuses.

@shibbybypass: But as human beings, unlike the rest of the animal kingdom, we are capable of distinguishing right and wrong. Just because other animals can't do that, doesn't put us in the clear.

@shibbybypass: Compare to if a cannibal said, "I don't care how the human feels, I care how it tastes" as a justification for killing and eating someone.

@Duuncan: Exactly. Therefore the onus is on us to kill it (if we are to kill it at all) instantly and painlessly. We know it feels pain of some kind, and so it's no excuse to say that lobster-pain isn't like human-pain. That's not going to make the lobster feel any better!

@wakers01: Your quotation states that if they do feel pain, it's different. How can we know what that "different" is like? We can't.

@wakers01: Science can't reveal the philosophically unknown, e.g. what it's actually like to be a lobster. As your shell is blasted off.

@Quasigizmodo: Yes I would. It's indecent to make it this transparent.

@dcdean1: My issue is really with real living people.

@a_of: It's a mystery.

@Alchemistmerlin: I don't know which is more painful. Having all your "skin" ripped off and dying while all your organs are exposed sounds pretty bad.

I didn't realise we make games these days where you kill representations of real people. That's really indecent.

I truly hope they do die instantly, but frankly how can you be sure? It's a nasty way to kill a thing.

More Gizmodo making things up. This doesn't automatically sort, cut and arrange the bricks in patterns. It just lays them. You need to put the right bricks in the right places at the top.

Where was music from? I felt like I recognised it?