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Unofficial alternative version seeks to achieve as much of what 10:10 wanted to without being graphic and offensive.

That is really saddening.

@LoganR: Whatever. It's a shame they have to pay but fine. Make them pay. Just put out the fire.

@LoganR: I'd gladly do it free in an instant if doing my job entailed saving someone's home.

Wow, NASA have access to Google Earth.

@Gasaraki-: I don't know what you mean by the true cost. They may pay out of gratitude. They may not. Why can't the fire-fighters just do a good deed without payment.

@freedomweasel: I'd prefer to have a drop-in-the-ocean media storm and do a job without being paid for it, but be a decent human being and have saved someone's house from burning to the ground. Humans caring about other humans is more important than spreadsheets and the media.

@LoganR: I don't believe that's the right attitude. What has happened to humanity's compassion? You can't stand by and watch a person's house burn down if you can put it out. Put it out first, tell them off and make them pay up afterwards.

@junior ghoul: There's also the point to make that atoms themselves aren't necessarily considered to have any thickness at all (could be 0-dimensional). Thickness exists when atoms stack up. If it's a sheet of them, you've got no thickness. That's one theory anyway.

Utterly wrong of the firefighters. Why not save the house and then witness the family's gratitude which would likely be to take up payments? Why not do it for free just to be a decent human being?

@Lord_Data ∞: Yes noticed this pretty quick. Who would do that?!

Some people will complain at anything! Give Microsoft some credit. You can't complain that their phone doesn't allow you to twiddle your thumbs. You just can't.

@Ding-Dang: American Cheese. You don't get to complain about British food.

"Supporting 3DS" meant their proprietary user-interface system will be used in 3DS games.

After Buzz, I just have no high expectations at all.

@TheCrudMan: Wow I found the answer to my question so fast, that was really useful! Now let's switch that blasted crap off!

Glad Gizmodo reported in this way. I remember the day Tomorrow's World (a 'future technology' program for kids in the UK) did a piece on some new military artillery designed to kill better, but actually went along with the propaganda and said, 'Kids, this promotes peace.' It was the last episode I ever saw.