
@Odin: If your answer is 'eh', you're covered by simply not answering.

I was recently speaking with one of Stephen Hawking's contemporaries, who said of him, "He speaks before he thinks."


Fantastic! Now I can cook with all 1,500 of those cute little mini-hexagon pots I bought, all at once!

Even in Blockbuster's heyday, I rented a total of maybe 4 movies ever.

Look closely at the interface image - it's a poorly cropped screenshot from YouTube. See the Pause button and progress bar at the bottom?

@rootfindr: Well, don't make evil movies. Make movies about evil, not evil movies.

Genius but y'know, marketing itself can be evil. And this marketing is evil. Do what you can to promote your film, but don't be evil.

Arnold Schwarzenegger as Sergey Brin. Angelina Jolie as Larry Page.

I'd love a slightly smaller, lighter, thinner iPad. It's too big, heavy and thick to read a book. Besides, the screen is bigger than most books I own, so it could do with some shrinking on that count.

I get it - Tron lightcycles on LSD!

1 person's death is still a colossal tragedy.

Personally I find Apple's use of it's various monikers - Apple, i and Mac - confusing. They seem to be combined arbitrarily and I can't understand which ought really to be called what.

@Kerensky97: It's about good design: you don't allow people to re-configure the buttons in an elevator, even if it's their own elevator, because they're already designed in the best way to be most useful. If you allowed everyone to reconfigure them, no one would like elevators anymore - including that person - because

I agree with Apple. Volume buttons are for volume. You start letting people mess with that, you'll end up pressing Home + Volume Down + Mute to do special moves in Fruit Ninja.

It's not just that it conflicts with the UK-wide recognised channel ITV - well no, actually, it is. It's not a trademark dispute, it's the fact that everyone over here will get confused over this name.

Google has been sold to HP.