
@RT100: I bet it would take you more than 20 moves.

No best iPad apps this week? I know. Because no one's bloody making any! iPad minus hype equals fail, so far.

How does it turn?!

@ads2k2.1: I think that's the problem. All that happens if you kill civilians is you lose some points.

No, THIS is how to keep your coins safe during a mugging.

Wait, a glowing white iPhone - and this is a problem?

Will there be apes at the launch?

The Last Unicorn.

My first thought when I saw the lead shot was, "That's going to spill." Then I thought, "Mmm, tasty." Then I realised it wasn't real... and thought about my breakfast.

iPad costs $250 to make. Divide by 10 to downgrade quality of all parts. Slash profit margin. $35! See, it makes sense.

It's Hollywood's own fault for conning us with shabby 3D post-production. Of course no one wants it anymore.

Got this when it was released. Got the original board game long before. Classic. Glad you like it.

Money shouldn't be able to buy you extra state protection.

Proximity Sensor fix: stop holding it to your face that way, fool. Uh uh I mean! - free proximity sensor attachment! There's no problem though. We love you(r money).

Apple must be getting pretty pissed off with Gizmodo.

Oh I recognise that program.

Epic fail.

"Now watch closely... THIS is how you hold it, you imbeciles!"

Nerds hate church members.

That actually sounds amazing. But computers need to offer mere light-handed suggestions. They should never do things unless we ask first.