
I've just realised it. There's something about the font that Android uses, which is what's been putting me off the whole operating system.

Out of breath, panting, spluttering, oozing rivers of sweat, BlackBerry glances up with hazy eyes, barely able to see iPhone and Android on the distant horizon, and then continues to stumble in pursuit.

@aday123: I can understand being against it if an expense for the future damages the present. But I can't see another reasonable reason.

@Sumada: Not interested in the future? In continued life? In the legacy of humanity! Ditch that shallow woman!

@whatne1wuddo: So it is selfish. He's okay with the expense for himself. Aren't his wife's memories valuable too? Can he risk losing them? If he values them, he'll meet the expense.

But Arny is a wax-figure, isn't he?

@tande04: Can't see it in the pic. Besides: hoax alert?

My bet is on this being nothing whatsoever to do with an Apple product.

Why isn't the guy interested in cryonics for his whole family? Why just himself? Perhaps that's the problem.

Seriously? You're posting this as if it was innovative new technology? Knorks have been around so long, they probably came even before forks.

"File > Save" from a browser? Oh wait, I see - you didn't set your relatives up to use Chrome. Your first mistake.

Blind faith: a pitch black house every evening. (Just believe otherwise).

This reminds me of how the cool kids at school spent the last frantic minutes before an exam scribbling some things onto the backs of their hands.

So they tried to copy Chrome but fell short?

Yet another confusion between "i.e." and "e.g."

"This changes everything. Again."

At last year's Facebook Annual General Meeting...

1.7 million people now unable to make phone-calls?!

Google Me (TM) now with revolutionary PeepView (TM) - eye-level video imagery of all your friends, in 360 degrees, wherever they are, at any moment.*

How about an article on how to disarm a nuke?