That is quite possibly the longest, most rambling comment I have ever discovered on Kotaku.
That is quite possibly the longest, most rambling comment I have ever discovered on Kotaku.
I mean, I wanted fixes but not at the cost of losing everything i’ve done for nearly 3 years. This really is a kick in the balls, man. And I mean, who’s to say they won’t just do it again with D3?
No, it’s not. All of the shit we had to go through to get that loot? No, fuck this. This has just invalidated everything and made everything a waste of time and energy.
Also, what is the motivation to keep playing Destiny now? Nothing we do now or ever will matter. It’s going to be wiped away come the next game. It’s a…
To be fair, It seems like Bungie back peddled through the life of Destiny 1 trying to correct issues that it launched with. There is no way that anything could have carried forward with any sort of cohesiveness. Here’s to hoping Destiny 2 starts off on the right foot.
Do you not think keeping some emblems or other little cosmetic nods to the past would have been nice, though?
Honestly... don’t care about any of those perceived problems from D1. As a PC gamer, all I care about is finally getting to play. Been waiting for this for years!
Yeah, I might actually pick it up if they fix the glaring problems that ran rampant in the first one. I just want a prettier Borderlands, man!
I personally quit with over 3k hours because all the Day 1 grinding ended up being for nothing. Players DO NOT want that. They want to be able to look at their hard work and know that all of the hours did NOT go to waste just because a new expansion was released. Players also DO NOT WANT to pay for same content over…
I DO think it’s hilarious that they worked a lore reason for the gear reset into the reveal trailer.
“Destiny 2 will offer a clean break for everyone, leaving behind all of our old weapons and gear.”
The teasing is over: Destiny 2, a video game for which I am already brainstorming silly ledes, will be out September…
“... yet people don’t blink an eye today about paying $600 for a ps3 or $400 for an xbox one...”
Well, uh... Thank you for your detailed response to an off-the-cuff joke comment I made two months ago? o_O
Same here lol Starfox 64 at my local Target.
Dude, same with me!
Our Best Buy has consoles for play. It even has a Vita, but they don’t sell Vitas or the games anymore, so.. I dunno why they have a demo..
Its a great revive tool so you see it more often in trials, raids, and prisons. It works for support roles while the ram and obsidian mind are great for attacking roles.
That 1 or 2 seconds is huge in Trials of Osiris.
I use it frequently in nightfalls, and PoE, not sure what you’re talking about, plus the extra orb gen is very useful.
In Trials, or Elimination in general, that 1-2 seconds can easily be the difference between a revive and losing the round.