
It's posts like these that make me love this damn website so much.

The Alpha was louder than a bleating sheep. Rebuilding it is a bad idea for them and a good idea for US Navy sonar techs everywhere.

The president proposes a budget, but Congress has to appropriate money. So the president doesn’t have a completely free hand on defense spending.

That picture is awesome. This is what happens when you take basically the entire world’s young men between late teens and early twenties and make them operate dangerous machinery for a living. “What if I ride on the wing of your fighter plane while you taxi along a bumpy dirt path? I don’t know — let’s see! Hell, yes!

And W is actually responsible for the rise of ISIL.

You still need towers to provide cellular signal or other infrastructure. Internet doesn’t just magically happen.

Yeah, this is actually something that nobody is talking about but should be.

People can say what they want about the Bushes. But, President HW Bush was a great strategist— and the last President to date who actually understood the concept, and how to maximize it’s goals via-hard, and soft power applications.

..and it’s a bunch of kids in their 20's mostly. Which is remarkable in and of itself. That’s military training and organization for you

That sucks. That's the best looking Buick I've seen in decades.

  1. I’m looking for a job with an employer that values their employees and treats them with respect. Can you tell me about an employee that you’ve treated with respect recently? How about one that you’ve disrespected?

Just fucking stop with that bullshit. There are hundreds, if not thousands of companies that “do this work.” All depends on the part. If we can build an F-35, we can still build a damn F-22.

Signed up after around 4 years reading FA just to back Tyler on this. Great article and please, please keep it going man. Thanks!

I’m really digging these Desert Storm revisited stories.

Carter killed the B-1 because we’d just figured out stealth.