Outside of Chicago this week, saw a pretenda-SUV BMW X2 actually using turn signals. Just a first step though. When turning left, the right blinkers were on. When turning right, the left blinkers were on. It’s a start!
Outside of Chicago this week, saw a pretenda-SUV BMW X2 actually using turn signals. Just a first step though. When turning left, the right blinkers were on. When turning right, the left blinkers were on. It’s a start!
You must be fun at parties.
You must be fun at parties.
I hate web developers who never heard of cross-browser compatibility.
The Diplomat was one of my favorite cars in the 80's. Really.
I get what you are saying. Really. But if the F22 makes sense to complement the F35 (then, now and in the future) and makes sense on its own, can your point shared by others be the only basis to not proceed?
How can the aging A-4’s be maintained to support such an... well aggressive flight routine? We read the military retiring aging airframes due to high hours and lack of parts availability. But these seem to be in top condition and rightly so not to mention equipped with many updates.
A failure to plan is a plan to failure.
Because the follow up question is why has it taken so long to set a goal, objectives and longer term plans other than “defeat ISIS”. Those related questions has yet to be answered and important to have prior to sending troops in harm’s way.
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This seems more of a Putin-like strategic move by Erdogan himself. Turkey’s stature in the region has grown in the past couple weeks which can only be beneficial to Erdogan. And this action mitigates the risk of Russia holding back in a similar move its’ gas supply.
A counter negative move by Erdogan was stating zero…