
My frustration is that nearly all manufacturers missed the transition from “manuals are for cheap loser cars only” to “enthusiasts with disposable income want manuals in their enthusiast cars.”

What a shock that giving companies(or letting them keep) large sums of money without any formal conditions agreed to leads to the companies not following through. Who knew?

No big surprise here, we all knew that from the start. Most corporations used it to buy back stocks and pay big bonus to top execs, as expected.

I mean, sure different people can have different preferences and all but I don’t even notice the notch. I thought it was going to be annoying but in less than a week it wasn’t even something that entered my consciousness. 

plus those voodoo engines do not have a good reputation for reliability.

Driven, 2001. It’s not okay that I like this movie.

I suspect like this combo makes a lot more sense in other markets; you’d expect there to be a manual available on a big saloon in Europe for example. Sure it’s not going to feel like a sports car, it’s going to feel like a regular luxury car with a stick shift like the other 5 options on the market.

Last night I was ready as hell with my safari and Walmart app open by 8:50. Constant refreshing and at 9:01 I had it in the cart and placing the order and it kicked me out and said out of stock. I tried for 20 more minutes and at 9:23 it finally went through. Took some time, but is what it is..

So here is a crazy thought. STOP BUYING INTO FUCKING FOMO PEOPLE!!

You wont be less of a gamer if you wait a week, a month, a year to buy the new hotness. Quit letting companies tell you that your life, personal worth and identity depends on you tripping over yourself to spend your money and prove you are worthy of

The same thing happened to me but I kept trying to check out and after a few minutes of telling me it was out of stock it went through.

Na. Botters should be.  But if people buy it fairly like everyone else, then it is theirs to do as they please.

The average buyer doesn’t agree with you.

Dealers’ gonna deal?

PAGING ERIK SHILLING, Please report to the front. Time to put your money where your mouth is.

It was the perfect plan until we came to that unsettling realization!

Good lord the comments on this are bringing the brilliance. So good.

But we don’t get a coupon on the back.

I let out an audible gasp... in the worst way possible. It looks terrible.

Name any car company.  They make a car people would race in.  

Oh fam, you just stumbled into a world of serious unsolicited comment lecturing.