We have over 10 percent unemployment here in america so quit your bitching at least you have a job. Also don't they make more at foxconn than most other factories in china.
We have over 10 percent unemployment here in america so quit your bitching at least you have a job. Also don't they make more at foxconn than most other factories in china.
@waclark57: Also get a few more intimidating flight attendants not just women and gay guys.
@ID=0: I would use it for the texting.
@hjustin93: $250 more anyone?
@norazi: What "stupid shit" has Sony hyped lately?
He must have a pretty small penis if he's that against going in the x ray.
Sorry Assassins Creed and Hot Pursuit your going to have to wait until Christmas since i just bought Black Ops and Ive been waiting for GT5 for years now.
I use my G1 and teather to my ipod, works pretty well as long as i have my extra battery in my backpack.
@vinod1978: I could see them taking a bit of RIM's and Android's marketshare, but not much from apple since the iphone is the "HIP and Cool" phone to have.
I was going to buy all the GTA'S for $10 on steam last week but i don't get my new computer for 2 weeks so i didn't bother, hopefully they will have that sale again. Does anyone know how often steam has big sales like that?
@Standish: Wait here is a picture. When i was visiting i saw it from a distance but never went there.
@Standish: What section is that crazy ass street that was in GTA SA, and they also used it one mythbusters.
JFK can get killed by zombies but no one is bitching about it.
@Span_Wolf: This was in the first 15 minutes of the game so its not spoiling much, and right after you do this mission your in for a big surprise so don't worry about it to much.
@Forgetful - GT Junkie: I would kill for a setup like that, you sir are a lucky man.
@Acebuckeye13: Blasting Zombies and Taking Names: They have RUF witch is the tuner version of Porsche.
Anyone know why the PS3 uses 17gigs of a bluray disk but the 360 only needs 7gigs of the dvd? Whats in the extra 10gigs the PS3 disk uses?
@rsquared: Good thing it didn't get stranded off the coast of Somalia, though i don't think there are even any cruises that go anywhere near there.
@MIKERIOSISAWHORE.COM: See thats why sense is no good, and i knew i saw a video of someone using the wiimote with it, they must have been running cm6 or something.
@uncreativeironicname: I'm pretty sure you can use a wii controller and i wouldn't be surprised if you could use a PS3 controller since its Bluetooth.