
I got it, that was most kind of you.

Can i get one?

Thats funny i was just playing Gran Turismo on my phone on the way to school today. Hopefully they are leading into announcing something bigger.

@MythOfEchelon: Well they would have to fill out the health and safety forums before responding.

@Switch58: I usually look past how multi-platform games are better on Xbox since the PS3 exclusive games usually blow Xbox exclusive games away.

@iAmWillJ: I got news for you, there would be no Lady gaga if it wasn't for rock.

@crazypills77: Try ADW EX the customization will blow you away.

@patranus: Out of the "Top songs" i counted 5 $0.69 songs, the rest were $1.29 which is ridiculous.

Amazon has deals on a few good PC downloadable games

John Marston looks so badass in a suit, he's up there with Niko and Agent 47 for most badass men in suits.

@GM_Pax: How is 8gb not beefy? Thats the same size as the Xbox 360 discs.

Top gear answered this question

The Batpod

Wow how lazy can you be?

It should be 15 minutes for games but a little longer for other apps.

@digitalflite: Have you ever gone over the 250? I did like twice by 5ogigs and they never said or charged anything.

Does the android version not have a recording mode? I couldn't find it.

@flame1148: Nice, thats one of the main reasons i choose them over the HD555 well and the fact that they were$40 cheaper.

@flame1148: Ya i got them for $70, they are closed right? So you can actually use them in public and not piss anybody off?

@flame1148: How are the 280's? I'm getting them for Christmas.