
@Willby: Screw his privacy he lost all privacy when he assaulted his mom, shot at people and jumped on a cop car.

@Ronin_Sixshooter: Speaking of mom and son drug addicts, last year by me there was a mom and son addicted to herion that robbed a bank and the son RODE AWAY ON A BIKE!!!

She deserved to pay that much if she is that stupid, I swear sometimes i'm ashamed to live in america

@RROD74: And guitar hero before GTA, Metal gear, Golden eye.... And GOD OF WAR!!!

@DocSeuss: Well pretty much every new game is $60 so its the normal price, and you buy it for the multiplayer

Its pretty funny i just put this jet as my phone background 10 minutes before reading this

@warjilis: Talk about riots there saying that there is going to be a Celtic and Rangers game in Boston this summer, if so the Boston police don't know what there getting into there will be RIOTS, its one of the biggest rivalries in football history.

I think im the only person in the world that liked the Hitman movie, but i don't think its a good idea to make a uncharted movie the games are just to good to be ruined by a crappy movie

@fuhteng: Now days if it was driven "stereotypically" it would have had huge ass rims and you could hear the music a mile away

@Killer Toilet: The classic Game Room guy could get me to buy any game, i love his reviews best game reviewer by far.. and that guy from gamesweasel

@nuclearbalm: COD map packs are such a rip off, i was going to buy them until i saw that the balled of gay tony was only 20 bucks

@accipiter: I love this song, i could care less if he supposedly "stole" it because it definitely wouldn't have been as funny with someone else singing

They still charge 50 BUCKS for modern warfare 1!!! its over 2 YEARS OLD!!

@CapnCourage: Im guessing you mean the marines cause those stinking pirates are scum that should burn in hell