
My worry isn’t that this is Rome circa 49 BC but Rome circa 133 BC, where one side breaks the societal norms to get their agenda pushed and then when the other side comes to power, they use the precedent of those norms being broken to push their agenda and then go a little further and break them further or break new

yeah is there a way to at least filter out in my RSS feed all the political sub blogs like the concourse that have blown up since the Gawker block was shut down?

Research is your friend.

Bc the majority of companies in this country are small businesses. Something like 65% of all employed are by small businesses.When you actually look at the big picture, the effective rate of all corporate income is around 27%. So, yes, reduce the corporate income tax already!

You sound entirely too logical to be on this thread. Wow, that was a reasonable and sound comment.

This actually may not be a terrible idea. The US has the third highest marginal corporate tax rate in the world (38.92%); only behind the UAE (55%) and Puerto Rico (39%). This is why multi-national companies headquartered in the US don’t repatriate profits earned outside the US; and why US companies are inverting —

Because corporations don’t actually pay tax directly, their customers do. And ultimately, most of those customers are just regular people. It’s more than just a theory, but the degree to which it benefits the average Joe is up for debate and is very easily “oversold” to people (see: Trickle Down)

Shh! Gawker doesn’t care about facts!

So where’s the plagiarism aside from the five words “back to you... the people”?

If you have an american express rewards card they offer $10 off TurboTax Deluxe, $15 off TurboTax Premier or $20 off TurboTax Self-Employed from 1/17/17 – 10/15/17 by visiting

If you have an american express rewards card they offer $10 off TurboTax Deluxe, $15 off TurboTax Premier or $20 off

I tried the download a few years ago and I remember it not being completely nice with my previous years doing it on the website. It there a guide for moving from one to the other or ever any discounts on the website purchase?

I tried the download a few years ago and I remember it not being completely nice with my previous years doing it on

That Beauty and the Beast preorder is NOT for the Disney version lol

That Beauty and the Beast preorder is NOT for the Disney version lol

Not seeing HDR listed for the Samsung TV on Best Buy

Not seeing HDR listed for the Samsung TV on Best Buy

So the expense ratio this should just be part of the fund you are invested in . . . for instance my company has Vanguard 401K and our fees seem pretty low and have quite a few options for diversifications. I am of the “easy is for me” mindset and utilize a target date fund :

“Don’t preorder games cause they might suck, but do preorder this $300 piece of hardware so you can have it two weeks before other people when the last nintendo console was pretty shitty which we just explained in another article”

“Don’t preorder games cause they might suck, but do preorder this $300 piece of hardware so you can have it two

Aaaaaand sold out already. Yep, it’s a new Nintendo console.

Aaaaaand sold out already. Yep, it’s a new Nintendo console.

What about Lean or Heroin?

Things Not To Buy Used: Neti Pots.

Things Not To Buy Used: Neti Pots.