
There was no LHN at the time, it was more A&M bailing on the deal to head to the SEC.

Airlines should not be allowed to overcharge captive passengers just because they need to change their flight or have to check a couple of bags.

Mike Leach thought he was moving a little quick there

exactly, this is horrible, this idea.

Right, so now given that choice that Apple can either create the backdoor themselves and maintain at least some control over it, or they can surrender their source code and have the FBI create and control the backdoor, what do they do?

Say the order gets rejected and apple wins because the courts say you can’t compel apple to create this backdoor tool. So what happens when the FBI then says, ok give us the iOS source code and we’ll create the backdoor without your help. Isn’t that what lavabit had to do?

SUPERMAN is nailed to a cross made of kryptonite. He is barely conscious and his head lolls back and forth as he moans in agony. It is a very symbolic and tight image.

Does this hold modern large phones without a case? I got a similar magnet car mount from iTech deals to try with my Nexus 6p but it won’t hold it up at all. It comes with a metal sheet that I think would hold it well if you put it inside a case but I don’t use a case so I’m not sure how this would work for my phone.

Does this hold modern large phones without a case? I got a similar magnet car mount from iTech deals to try with my

maybe “fill up” was the wrong phrase. Can’t speak for the person you’re replying to but eggs, or any protein and fat will keep me satiated longer than a bunch of grains and sugar. I feel the same fullness after eating, but I don’t get hungry again 3 hours later, I don’t even notice I’m hungry until lunch. I think it’s

It’s also set to jump up big time in the next few years.

Surprised eggs are down so much. They are a great source of protein and keep you full for much longer than just cereal or fruit. They really should be part of any dieter’s (and probably everyone’s) breakfast.

The whole gender tax is kind of absurd in general. You think these things might be more expensive because they do in fact have extra stuff or is harder to make than men’s versions? Clothing has to be tailored differently, have more extras (lace, softer fabric, etc). Furthermore, what are we comparing? A fancy woman’s

hopefully we can get the restraining order distance increased to include all of Dallas and Arlington.

are you rooted? you can use Tasker with secure settings plugin to turn off specific app notifications. Just set up a profile that kicks off when your navigation app is turned on.

Those are really my only problems with him, but really he hasn’t done much of anything bad since then so I really have no problems with him now. He’s pleasantly surprised me with his performance in the NFL, as I was thinking he would have trouble coming from a spread option offense.

wife brushes before breakfast. The reason is that if you brush after eating (especially if you have acidic OJ) your enamel is weakened and you’ll brush some of it off. I also hate having mint and toothpaste make my food taste weird though and want my teeth clean as long as possible so I usually skip the OJ, wait 30

this deserves more stars

The USB type C cables aren’t spec compliant. I’d stay away.

The USB type C cables aren’t spec compliant. I’d stay away.

Is there a version made with GMO’s that’s not super expensive like these non-gmo versions? I’d rather spend my money on pro-science companies.

Is there a version made with GMO’s that’s not super expensive like these non-gmo versions? I’d rather spend my money

This is our concern, Dude.