
COTD all the way

Google Daniel Sadek....makes for an interestingly hilarious read

they destroyed the carrera #neverForget

The Producer used his own money....the whole movie was an excuse to show off his car collection and also his money :P

That movie was actually named Turd changed to torque because autocorrect


youporn is what you mean

Nobody here is koalafied to comment on what happened there

But shouldnt they cater to the customer base of Jalopnik readers who may at some point win a million dollar lottery?

I’ve been missing the art of the flip articles for a while now....can we see some soon?

I agree that hero would have been a much better choice, but their relationship with Honda and tumultuous relationship with EBR maybe a reason why they went TVS.

but didnt the 550-2 come with one? whats with keeping a positive attitude :)

Huh....I smell kinja fued

Yes, Yes and YES

I PROPOSE COTD ....and +1 for effort :)

Shutup Everyone Mom’s Approaching

Good eye...I missed those until I read this

why wont a lawyer touch it? did a police report not get filed?

Do you still ride or did that scare you off bikes forever

I dont know how to respond to this story because i am just speechless reading this